Splashy Dots Review
The best puzzles games are those that use a simple gameplay mechanic and then refine it to allow you to become a master of it. Splashy Dots is no different with its simple yet challenging gameplay that will have your brain twisted for hours.
You see, in Splashy Dots you start each level with a number of coloured dots to connect. By swiping in the direction of the dot you want to connect your brush glides over there leaving a stroke of colour behind. The strategic thinking that is needed to complete these levels is fairly balanced and the difficulty curve is very well landed out. Additionally, the core mechanic of connecting dots is only made better by the style that the game chooses to present itself in.
The visual style of the title will draw you in with its paint effects and almost ‘zen’ like feel. Each puzzle is a painting that once completed is framed and put on display in the game’s gallery-like level select. With plenty of levels to keep your mind working there is loads of content to unlock within this cozy title. Each set of levels uses a different colour palette as well ensuring you always have something beautiful and interesting to look at. It is one of the reasons you will keep playing even if you find yourself stuck on a puzzle for sometime.
In most puzzle games, more often than not the answer is right in front of you. With Splashy Dots this is the case and then some as the overlapping paths you can use can make you very confused. This is a plus for the game though as it means you really do need to work that brain of yours and calculate the ideal solution. Thankfully this title is not punishing and allows you to undo moves and restart levels at the tap of a button meaning you are never held back. Try a route, undo a few moves, try again and repeat. The loop that you go through to solve each level in Splashy Dots is encouraging.
Splashy Dots is a free to download and play title but makes a good use of adverts and in-app purchases: the game has a hint system which lets you exchange one hint for one move of a level. To earn these hints you can purchase them or watch adverts. Of course, there is the option to remove adverts altogether and unlock more levels but you never feel pressured to. The option is there but never forced, the way it should be in mobile titles.
Splashy Dots is a standout title in the puzzle genre that really captures a sense of beauty within what you are trying to achieve. The gameplay might be connecting dots but the presentation of it makes for a captivating game which is a lot of fun to play. Not only that but the aforementioned ‘zen’ feel of the title means you can shut out the noise of the world and just focus on Splashy Dots. If you haven’t already I highly recommend checking out this title and including it on your devices.
This game is great, with minimal or no negatives.
Splashy Dots is a standout title in the puzzle genre that really captures a sense of beauty within what you are trying to achieve. Not only that but the aforementioned ‘zen’ feel of the title means you can shut out the noise of the world and just focus on Splashy Dots. If you haven’t already I highly recommend checking out this title and including it on your devices.