Tap Conveyor Simulator Review
Simple games with simple plots can be the best mobile games. Tap Conveyor Simulator is one of these. With simplistic art and a basic puzzle dynamic, this game is great for quick entertainment in a pinch. It may look simple at first, but don’t worry, it’ll get more challenging as it goes.
Created by Smooth Frames Games and powered by the Unity engine, Tap Conveyor Simulator hearkens back to some of the first mobile games. Similar to Human Resource Machine by The Tomorrow Corporation, this game relies on the player being very into sorting. On the conveyor belt, different items will scroll up the screen. The game doesn’t explain itself; instead it expects the player to piece things together depending on the icons.
If an icon is at the top, then it’s the one that the robot arms need. The robot arms are basically what you are helping as you sort, and when you finish a level, they give you a nice happy dance in return. If there are too many mistakes, however, they make a sad sound and collapse on the conveyor belt. Surprisingly, they’re rather endearing and as the player, you find that you want to help the arms rather than cause them to break down.
Other icons on the screen tell the player where else items might need to go. If there’s only one item shown at the top, such as a computer monitor, and a recycling bin, then everything that isn’t a computer monitor goes into that recycling bin. Sometimes bins will have specific icons on them, such as headphones or game controllers. All the player has to do is place those items in their specific homes and keep up with the pace.
On the Pro version of Tap Conveyor Simulator, there are no in-app purchases or ads, though there are ads in the free version. The pro version is $.99 US, $1.30 Canadian, and £ .79. For 30 levels, this seems like a great price. The developers boast the game as a game to boost finger dexterity, and after playing it, I would agree. One eventually needs a fairly alert mind and fast fingers to keep up with the conveyor belt, though there are lives and the ability to slow down the conveyor at times. These power-ups come on the same conveyor belt as all of the other items, be sure to click on them though otherwise you won’t get them.
The music is a simple kind of techno/midi, though it keeps a pretty even pace and doesn’t add to you feeling rushed. The conveyor belt will make the player feel panicked enough if they fall behind. The design is simple, nothing terribly dynamic, making it very easy on the eyes and extremely easy to get into. Due to the low graphics, the game loads fast, making it very easily accessible.
Need a game for doctors office waiting rooms or any other time you’re stuck somewhere and need a good distraction? Tap Conveyor Simulator is a great game for this. With the fast load time and easy close, having a power button in the top corner of the main screen or just simply backing out, one can play levels quickly while waiting.

One happy robot
I would recommend this game to anyone who likes to sort and solve puzzles. I could also see it helping with hand-eye coordination due to the sorting needed. After a while, the player will have to be quick to keep up, and the sorting can become unforgiving quickly if you fall behind. For as simple as it looks and sounds, the game is a bit addicting, and a little frustrating if you’re tired. A few times, I felt like my eyes were trying to cross because of the pace on the screen, but I was able to easily restart the level and try again. The game is cute and simple, making it a lot of why people buy or download mobile games, an easy portable distraction when we need a break. This is a great game to take a breather with, step away from things but keep your mind active at the same time.
This game is good, with a few negatives.
The game is cute and simple, making it a lot of why people buy or download mobile games, an easy portable distraction when we need a break. This is a great game to take a breather with, step away from things but keep your mind active at the same time.