WTFBBQ - WTF Moments Compilation
WTFBBQ - 11th Aug 2013 | By Ross D. BrownThis week's BBQ is a compilation, for when one WTF moment just isn't enough.
This week's BBQ is a compilation, for when one WTF moment just isn't enough.
Paradox Interactive, a publisher of games and an entry on the random encounter table, today invited their party to pre-order the hit meta-RPG Knights of Pen & Paper +1…
Paradox Interactive, a publisher of games and a level eight rules-lawyer, announced today that they will be bringing the acclaimed mobile meta-RPG Knights of Pen & Paper…
Telltale Games, the studio which we can pretty much make accountable for the resurgence of the 'Point & Click' adventure games such as the awesome Monkey Island…
ATLUS this week released the final trailer for Catherine, the upcoming action-adventure/puzzle game for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. With a focus on the frantic, twisted block…
These are the third set of screenshots released for the new upcoming game Catherine which is due for release around July (US)Sorry there is no European date set yet for this title
Black Rock and Disney, creators of the new action racer Split/Second: Velocity, have just released a meaty demo for your weekends pleasure!
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