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A METAL SLUG Reimagining Makes it to Steam in Metal Slug Tactics

The METAL SLUG franchise has been around since the 90's and captivated many fans with its explosive, war-like combat. It's seen remakes and re-imaginings as the SNK CORPORATION has worked to keep it relevant, and the latest entry to the franchise is finally here! Metal Slug Tactics is a new reimagining of the run-and-gun action, where publishers Dotemu and Gamera Games work together with Leikir Studio instead on a turn-based tactical RPG version of the game.

Take control of the Peregrine Falcons Squad as you set out to stop General Donald Morden's latest schemes after hiding for years. In turn-based tactics combat with roguelike elements, you'll head out to the first-ever tactical RPG in the franchise, where you'll experience 20 different mission types with 110 different hand-crafted maps. Try out different loadouts with 36 different weapons and 176 weapon mods, giving you the capability to customise your character to your heart's content.

In the trailer, we get a look at all of the characters that you'll be able to play as, with unique abilities and their personalities shining through. The launch trailer reveals two new characters joining the fight: Nadia Cassel and Trevor Spacey, though you can find the full roster right here:

  • Marco
  • Fio
  • Tarma
  • Eri
  • Clark
  • Ralf
  • Nadia
  • Leona
  • Trevor

If you want to learn more about our thoughts regarding the title, then don't miss out on Alana Dunitz' review, our resident retro lover. Check out her thoughts and see whether the change from arcade to TRPG is as good for the franchise as it seems.

Metal Slug Tactics is out now, and you can pick it up at a 10% discount in Steam for £18.89 until the 12th of November, after which point, you'll be able to start at £20.99.

Metal Slug Tactics releases for PC via Steam, the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.

Artura Dawn

Artura Dawn

Junior Editor

A lean, mean, SEO machine

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