A New Dawn Beckons in Osiris: New Dawn
Afer five years in development, Fenix Fire's epic space survival game is being released into Steam's Early Access program. The title sees you trying to survive graphically stunning but ultimately deadly alien planet. With elements of crafting, combat and exploration, the game sees you taking on multiple roles throughout, and you'll be able to experience all of them on the 28th of September, when the game will be playable in its current, albeit not quite finished, form.
“It’s amazing to finally bring our passion project to gamers everywhere who share our fascination with near-future, space exploration,” stated Brian McRae, founder and CEO of Fenix Fire Entertainment. “What started as a simple idea has blossomed into a gaming experience far beyond what we thought was possible, surprising even ourselves and driving us to be more and more ambitious with what is possible in Osiris: New Dawn. I’m looking forward to constructive feedback from players in hopes of improving the experience with full transparency in our Early Access development.”
The year is 2046 and mankind’s discovery of near-lightspeed "fold engine" propulsion has empowered mankind's Osiris expeditionary missions to the Gliese 581 system. Players are part of the second colonization team sent by the U.N.E. (United Nations of Earth) to study potential habitable planets when the spacecraft malfunctions braking violently from light speed, forcing an emergency landing on the planet’s surface.
Players must overcome the dangers of unpredictable weather conditions by building a central base, expanding the structure further with modular units to grow food, create research centers, manufacture bays and more. To further advance technologies and thrive on the planet, they will traverse into a world filled equally with breathtaking landscapes and alien terrors that will freeze human blood.