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AMONG US Meets DEATH NOTE In Bandai Namco's DEATH NOTE Killer Within

During the COVID-19 Pandemic, the explosion of Among Us and social deduction titles left a mark in the videogame industry. Now as an established, well-regarded genre, social deduction games make a return every so often, and the same is the case with Bandai Namco's latest release.

DEATH NOTE Killer Within has up to 10 players take on one of four roles: Kira, L, Kira's Follower, and Investigators. Split evenly between the four players, the goal is simple: eradicate the opposing team and win.

As L and the investigators, you'll need to complete tasks in order to identify who the killer is. Work together to give L all of the information and get closer to making a proper deduction, giving you the opportunity to find the real Kira, make an arrest, and destroy the Death Note.

Meanwhile, Kira and his followers will be able to dispatch of the Investigators with the usage of the Death Note. Steal the identity card of the opposing team by getting near them and use the opportunity to bring judgment down upon them; though only player can use the Death Note, Kira's investigators will be able to work together to let the holder know of the identities and bring judgement onto the opponent.

You can purchase Track Passes, giving you the opportunity to unlock customisations and make the characters look however you want, with unique items to resemble characters from the anime. Depending on your performance during the matches, you'll make progress and unlock items to make your character feel fully "yours" (or resemble the shinigami Ryuk, which is the most likely case scenario).

You can start DEATH NOTE Killer Within for just £7.99, and you'll be able to play with a large group via cross-play, meaning you and your group don't have to be on the same platform to enjoy the experience. The title released on PC via Steam and PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5.

Artura Dawn

Artura Dawn

Junior Editor

A lean, mean, SEO machine

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