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Angry Birds Journey Out Now

Angry Birds shook the world with its original game released back in 2009, and have continued to branch out into other forms of media — such as the movie, or the upcoming Netflix show — that have received varying levels of success.

Today, Rovio released a brand-new game — the first one in seven years — called Angry Birds Journey which brings back the Angry Birds franchise to its roots; slingshot, pigs, strange wooden structure, the whole nine.

Angry Birds Journey is a reworked Angry Birds experience meant to bring a casual puzzle game that is friendly to newcomers to the franchise along with enough puzzles and something to love for old-timers.

Additionally, players coming into the game within the week of release will receive a bundle of goodies to help them along the way. If you're interested, make sure to check out Angry Birds Journey on the App Store and Google Play, out now.

Artura Dawn

Artura Dawn

Junior Editor

A lean, mean, SEO machine

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