Angry Birds Stella hits 30 Million Downloads
It began with Angry Birds, turning into Angry Birds Stella and most recently was Angry Birds Stella POP!.
The last two games have become their own series in the Angry Birds franchise, so when Rovio say that Angry Birds Stella has had 30 million downloads, they're talking about two games.
Angry Birds Stella POP! has just hit 5 million downloads, and to celebrate Rovio have released twenty new levels in the form of the Lily Lagoon!
Heini Kaihu, Head of Studio at Rovio Entertainment, had this to say:
Like all Angry Birds games, Angry Birds Stella POP! appeals to a wide demographic of gamers, but we are delighted to see it has a strong following of female millennials globally and is resonating especially in the US. Gaming industry studies are revealing trends that defeat the long held presumption that mobile games are primarily a male pastime. We've always known this is not quite true at Rovio where we have a very inclusive culture and many female developers. We will continue to champion female characters in our games!