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Artcraft - Tauren Model Update

Steve Aguilar, lead animator for World of Warcraft has submitted a new blog post detailing the latest artwork update, the Tauren. The blog post goes into a lot of detail about the new model, showing off more than has been showed off previously with the Artcraft releases.

Most prominent are the facial features of the Tauren and how they are a lot more expressive. The textures look fantastic, but being able to see every muscle react in the ol' bull's face is something to marvel at. Whilst there are a lot of images released, as seen in the gallery above this post, there are also a lot of videos showing the new design, as well as comparisons to the old model. One of these can be seen below, whilst the others can be seen in the blog post itself. 


Kris 'Kaostic' West

Kris 'Kaostic' West


Zombie slayer, quest completer, mouse clicker and, in his downtime, writer and editor.

Share this: Source: Blizzard Blog


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