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Atomic Picnic Releases Brand-new Character In First Early Access Major Update

The first major content update for BitCake Studio's Atomic Picnic has officially arrived. Released in Early Access on the 7th of November 2024, this co-op roguelike shooter has you taking control of a slew of characters and fighting back hordes of monsters.

Revealed on the Roadmap for Early 2025, the newest character has officially joined the fray, meaning that you can take advantage of an all-new character in your numerous picnics. Rose is a former military sniper who utilises a Jetbelt and works well with her signature weapon: the Sniper Rifle.

Her active ability gives her the ability to fly and shoot, though this does cost 2% of her Max Health while active, so players will want to use it sparingly. Synergising with this is her Slow Fall passive, which allows her to fall slowly whilst in the air while aiming her weapon, and additional to that, she deals increased damage whilst airborne.

Rose has an additional passive named Survivor's Guilt: this ability gives her the capability to deal extra damage per bit of healing that she's received. Her next shot consumes all of her Guilt, but if it kills her target, all her stacks are restored.

So in summary, Rose's abilities are:

  • She synergises best with a Sniper Rifle
  • Her ability lets her fly in the air at the cost of 2% of her Max Health per second
  • She can aim and slow falls whilst aiming mid-air

- For every bit of healing she acquires, she gets Guilt, which she expends on her next shot. If her shot lands and kills an enemy, it refunds all of the Guilt stacks for a second super-power shot.

Rose is available as a brand-new character in Atomic Picnic, with three others that the team has soft-announced.

Artura Dawn

Artura Dawn

Junior Editor

A lean, mean, SEO machine

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