Awesome Games Done Quick 2020 Concludes with Over $3 Million Raised for Charity
The week-long, charity driven speedrunning marathon, Awesome Games Done Quick (AGDQ) is over for this year. It's fitting that the whole event seemed to pass by in a flash. Over seven days, 141 games were streamed spanning all corners of gaming, from retro to modern; niche to mainstream; and AAA to indie. Now, the dust has settled, everyone is going home and the numbers are in...
In seven days, $3,132,902.78 was raised for the Prevent Cancer Foundation by 35,246 unique donors and across 54,127 different donations. It's another successful year for AGDQ, and a sure sign that the gaming community can be a genuine force for good.
The dates have also been confirmed for the next two Games Done Quick events: Summer Games Done Quick (SGDQ) will fall between the 21st - 28th June 2020 in Bloomington, Indiana, and the next Awesome Games Done Quick will fall between 3rd - 10th January 2021. If you missed this year's event and want to get involved next time, be sure to mark your calendars for then!
Pantelis Nikkas - 12:50pm, 13th January 2020
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