beyond.frontiers is Launching into Early Access!
Duality Beyond Studios have announced that they'll be launching beyond.frontiers into Early Access, which is not a decision they've made lightly. While they hoped to release the full game in it's glory, they've learned that it will take more time to polish their space epic into what they envisioned.
However, in order for fans to still experience beyond.frontiers, they will be releasing a demo in the coming weeks, hopefully in time for Steam Next Fest!
To achieve the quality they're looking for, they'll need more time and resources, but with Early Access, you will be able to give them feedback, while also helping to sustain the studio financially. With this hope, they'll be able to fund essential tasks, like commissioning new artists, adding to the voice acting cast, and bring the beyond.frontiers to life in an immersive manner.
After going into Early Access, Duality Beyond Studios hopes to release the game in full within a year, at the latest. So, they encourage players to provide vital feedback to improve the game so it will be at the best quality it can be.
The lead developer of beyond.frontiers, Dex, has noted that their Patreon supporters have been a massive help. The game has been a labour of love, with development being done with passion, determination, and with the support of the amazing community who have supported the game. With the game primarily being financed through the help of Patreon, and Dex's own disability money, they want to thank everyone for believing in beyond.frontiers, and hopes to make beyond.frontiers reach for the stars.
Over the coming months, beyond.frontiers will have frequent updates, including more ships, storylines, refined mechanics, and new features such as station-building. So, keep an eye out for 11th of November, and add it to your Wishlist!
beyond.frontiers will be available then, and for a reduced price of $9.99 instead of the original $14.99. Until then, keep your eyes peeled for Steam Next Fest and the free demo!