Blizzard, PSN and More Under DDoS Attack
Blizzard's Battle.net servers, Riot's League of Legends, Grinding Gear Games' Path of Exile, and PlayStation Network are among those under attack by a group of hackers calling themselves Lizard Squad.
The attack is apparently upstream of the servers and mitigation via ISP in not working. Some people can log in, some can not, it is entirely route related so keep smashing the login button, you might make it in.
John Smedley, the CEO of Sony Online Entertainment has taken to twitter to explain that they are doing all they can and others have done the same.
The problem is upstream of our network we have no control. So they are flooding the routes to us too. That's how it works.
— John Smedley (@j_smedley) August 24, 2014
We are dealing with a new wave of issues with our servers. We thank you for your patience as we continue to work towards a solution.
— BlizzardCS (@BlizzardCS) August 24, 2014
UPDATE: the plot thickens! A somewhat well known hacker by the name of FamedGod has come forward stating that they were in fact responsible for taking down PSN and Xbox Live. He has released the IP addresses of Lizard Squad and pulled the usual egotist tricks we expect from this kind of individual.
As usual, insults are being hurled back and forth, no one but the individuals concerned really knows what on earth is really going on, and the man in the street is caught in the middle.
To make things even more "fun", Lizard Squad tweeted to American Airlines that they had heard there was a bomb on the flight of John Smedley and caused it to be diverted to Phoenix and searched. No doubt, there shall be multiple three letter agencies in the mix from now on.