Blizzcon17: Overwatch Reveals Concept Art for Cancelled Cat Hero
During the an Overwatch panel at Blizzcon 2017 game director Jeff Kaplan and lead character concept artist Arnold Tsang showed off some early hero ideas.
One of which was a jetpack-wearing cat which the team has mentioned before was cut from the drawing board. Now though, we finally get to see what this hero might have looked like and it is something else.
What is interesting about this concept and the fact it was canned is more the different ideas it went through just to get to that point. Though the legendary jetpack cat is going to be a fan favorite for sometime there was once a jetpack-wearing crocodile and monkey as well, which you can see below.
Overwatch is available now for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. A new hero, Moira and a new map titled Blizzard World were announced during the opening ceremony for Blizzcon 2017.