Blood Bowl 2 Beta now Open to all Steam Pre-order Customers
With just 10 days left until the official game launch, those who pre-ordered Blood Bowl 2 on Steam can take part in the multiplayer beta from today.
Access is also extended to new pre-orders made before the official release on 22nd September. This comes in addition to the previously announced bonus of an additional race to play at launch: Either Lizardmen or Wood Elves.
The new title is a sequel to the 2009 release, also from Cyanide Software and is based on the Games Workshop board game which mixes the worlds of Warhammer and American Football. It's an ultra-violent turn based strategy affair with its tongue firmly fixed to its cheek.
The beta allows the multiplayer mode and one off matches against the computer using either the Human, Orc, Skaven or Dwarf teams. Created teams, customer leagues and rankings will be preserved into the full release as well when the remainder of the teams and features will become available.
Players can look forward to new features such as customisable stadiums and kits, a greatly expanded campaign mode and a brand new game engine. Commentators Bob and Jim are seen and not just heard for the first time and new race the Bretonian Knights will be available when the full launch arrives.
Dombalurina - 10:46am, 16th September 2015 Author
Having put some proper time into this now, I bloody love it. If you're a Blood Bowl fan, especially of the original board game, I reckon you'll enjoy this.