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Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel Final DLC Announced

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel Final DLC Announced

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel will be receiving its final piece of DLC in the form of Claptastic Voyage. The DLC will have you venture into the strange and complicated mind of Claptrap, as Handsome Jack has discovered something powerful lurking within the robot's brain.

The DLC will include an extra 10 levels, upping the current level cap to 70, and will also feature a customisable arena, that allows players to tweak settings such as gravity and enemy difficulty. 

Everything that is featured in Claptastic Voyage will also be included within Borderlands: The Handsome Collection.

Reece Armstrong

Reece Armstrong

Senior Staff Writer

Just a musician and geek all rolled into one who spends his days watching sandcastles melt into the sea

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Platinum - 08:03pm, 9th March 2015

Final? there has only been one DLC (The Holodrome Onslaught) before this, The season pass was for 4 DLC camapigns??

Kaostic - 12:58am, 10th March 2015

Looks like you get Handsome Jack Dppelganger pack, Ultimate Bault Hunter Upgrade Pack, The Holodome Onslaught, Lady Hammerlock the Baroness Pack, and this one.

reece92david - 08:20pm, 9th March 2015 Author

Every other source I've looked at says it's the "final slice of add-on contetn in the game's season pass" that's Eurogamer. Other ones say similar. 

Phil - 08:20pm, 9th March 2015

Eitherways, the game sucks.

Calmine - 10:26pm, 9th March 2015

Is the pre-sequel really that bad? Was waiting on for the Handsome collection to try it. 

Kaostic - 01:00am, 10th March 2015

It's alright. It's not Borderlands 3. It's like Borderlands 2.5... but not as good as Borderlands 2.

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