British Tanks Revealed for Upcoming War Thunder Lineup
With the release of the first batch of premium tanks in patch 1.53, the British finally have a presence in War Thunder Ground Forces. Though the regular line of British tanks were not ready in time for release last month, it seems that the wait is long anymore, with the devblog section of the War Thunder website posting a series of showcases on the British tanks.
First up, we have two versions of the A22 Churchill tank, the Mk. III and Mk. VII. The Churchill was an infantry tank, with very thick armour but low speed and a poor gun; however, this gun is not exactly capable of engaging armored vehicles at medium to long ranges, and only marginally more effective at short distances. Players would have to find new tactics, such as using the Churchill tank's thick armour as a screen for other players and pushing up slowly. The Mk. III had a 6 pounder cannon (57 mm), while the Mk. VII had more armour and was armed with a 75 mm cannon capable of punching through medium tanks.
The A17 Tetrarch light tank is the direct opposite of the Churchill infantry tank, being armed with a cannon that is powerful for a light tank and blessed with speed and maneuverability, but comes with thin armour. This would make a good scout and for capturing objectives, while using its speed to stay out of trouble.
The A27M Cromwell I cruiser tank with its distinctive box-shaped turret and rivet construction is the next tank revealed, and it seems that this tank will sit at Tier II fighting the last of the Pz. III and short-barreled Pz. IVs.
It seems that more will be revealed in the upcoming weeks for the British tanks in War Thunder, so stay tuned!