Call of Duty: Ghosts to Receive eSports Improvements
Infinity Ward has announced plans to roll out a number of competitive gaming focused updates for Call of Duty: Ghosts. These include changes to the broadcaster mode and competitive rules. They are also looking into Xbox One LAN support.
These will appear as both hot fixes and TUs in the coming weeks alongside planned changes to the areas of Ghosts affecting all players, such as spawns. As a guiding principle, development priority is assigned to those issues which we deem to have the largest immediate impact or those affecting the broadest group of players.
- Tina Palacios, Senior Community Manager
The eSports-specific changes, which are based on feedback from the competitive community, are due first. These updates include the restriction of ghillie suits, tracker sights and danger close in competitive rules. Alongside these changes third-person spectating in competitive private matches will be disabled. Broadcaster mode stability will also be addressed and a kill feed will be added to the mode.
Once these changes are made plans are in place to introduce additional changes to the rules, search and destroy mode and broadcaster mode. The full list of changes are listed on the Call Of Duty Community website and further updates will be posted on the Upcoming Improvements to Call of Duty: Ghosts page.