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Capcom Showcase 2022: Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Trailer

The Capcom Showcase kicked off with a Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak trailer, in which numerous hunters fight against various monsters that will be present in the DLC, along with numerous monster vs. monster situations in which the monster the creatures are attacking gets hunted by another.

The trailer ends with a narrated portion in which we get to see a bit of the areas and monsters that will be available in the DLC, including the fan-favourite Jungle area, along with a showcase at the Espinas monster and Gore Magala, both of which we got to see throughout the gameplay portion of the video!

The video moved on to a teaser for a demo, including a couple of training quests, an area, and some monsters that can be fought either solo or in co-op before you purchase the title! This demo will be available from the 15th of June, and players can get it on both the Nintendo Switch and Steam! There is no limit to how many times you can repeat these quests, so make sure to give the demo a shot and see if the DLC is for you!

Finally, the video finished with a roadmap for the Free Title Updates, including an update in August that will add a new locale, rare species monsters, and special species monsters, then an update in Fall, Winter, and 2023!

Purchase Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak and enjoy the brand-new DLC when it releases on the 30th of this month!

Summer Game Fest 2022
Artura Dawn

Artura Dawn

Junior Editor

A lean, mean, SEO machine

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