Check Out the Sneak Peeks of the Upcoming Kitchen DLC for Spirit City: Lofi Sessions!
Spirit City: Lofi Sessions' upcoming DLC, Cozy Kitchen, is unlocking in just a couple of weeks, and Mooncube Games has kept the community engaged by revealing bits of it on their social media. If you'd like to learn more about the game/focus tool, we've got a review here.
The short of it is that players will expand their in-game home by unlocking a kitchen area by purchasing Cozy Kitchen. Not only will they be able to decorate the new place (including a breakfast nook), but they'll also have new Spirits to discover — as well as variants of the base game ones — and new avatar activities, all revolving around activities in the kitchen, like cooking!
Throughout the weeks, there have been several reveals and sneak peeks! Among them are the Squire Sproud Spirit (a vegetable) and its different skins, the Jamama Spirit (a jam jar with a hand), Capybun (a capybara), and the most recent one: Toast-Mate, the variant Spirit of APE-bit, and its skins!
Another sneak peek has been the different styles players will be able to choose for their kitchen windows and their colours, as well as a screenshot displaying how the kitchen space will look!
Make sure to check out Spirit City: Lofi Sessions if the upcoming DLC sounds like fun. Cozy Kitchen DLC will release on the 26th of March! Check it out here on Steam.