Cloud Imperium to Memorialise Leonard Nimoy in Star Citizen
Since the passing of inspirational actor Leonard Nimoy, the developers of upcoming Star Citizen have announced their intention of implementing a memorial to him in the game.
Due to an outpouring of messages on their community forums Ben Lesnick posted to let the fans know that there would definitely be something in game as a tribute to him. Here's what he had to say:
Hey guys,
No petition necessary. I think it's safe to say that Mr. Nimoy was an inspiration to all of us on the team, both acting as Spock and because of his core, kind humanity. We will find an appropriate way to honor him.
I'm a big guy, but I'm not too big to admit I broke down sobbing when I heard the news. Nimoy as Spock shaped so much; even if you weren't a Star Trek fan, he was an essential part of the culture. And if you were a Star Trek fan, you surely saw yourself in cold logic masking deep passions, or his romantic ideal of the loyal best friend. And it was all the more impressive that the man behind the character was such a good person. I know he had a good, long life, and one truly lived... but the world still seems a little darker this afternoon.
It's great to see the impact that Leonard Nimoy has had on people all around the world and tributes like this in games across the board will ensure that his memory will live on.