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Dead Island 2 Cinematic Title Sequence Trailer Released

If you've been looking forward to Dead Island 2 and can't wait to consume more media about it, then you should check out the brand-new cinematic that Deep Silver has released on the PLAION UK YouTube channel.

The cinematic sequence showcases the once-known City of Angels in a state of disarray and gore. Experience HELL-A (a hilarious play on words) in all of its gore-tastic and gore-geous glory whilst listening to Drown by Karen O and Danger Mouse! This cinematic puts into perspective the destruction that the Zombies have brought.

See You In HELL A Dead Island 2 Pre order Image Trailer

Pre-order Dead Island 2 now on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC via the Epic Games Store, and survive HELL-A when the game releases on the 21st of April. Are you ready to survive? 

Artura Dawn

Artura Dawn

Junior Editor

A lean, mean, SEO machine

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