Defense Grid 2 is Coming to PC and Consoles
Independent video game developer Hidden Path Entertainment, and 505 Games, a global publisher of video games, have announced a partnership to bring the highly anticipated Defense Grid 2 (DG2) to console platforms.
The tower defense game sequel is slated for a PC release later this year and will also be available to console players on the Xbox Live online entertainment network for Xbox One and the PlayStation Network for the PlayStation 4.
505 Games has partnered with us at Hidden Path and is providing a great opportunity for next-generation console players to experience our vision of the definitive tower defense experience. We’re so excited to work on a game we love and bring it to additional platforms with such a like-minded publishing partner.
- Jeff Pobst, project lead for DG2.
In July 2012 Hidden Path Entertainment launched a Kickstarter Campaign to fund new content for its tower defense game, Defense Grid – The Awakening, and potentially a sequel for the title. Thanks to over 6,000 backers Hidden Path was able to release the expansion pack Defense Grid: Containment in January 2013. This sequel is the next step and the new partnership a way to bring the much loved tower defense game to console gamers.
DG2 is expected to release in 2014.