Developer Apologises for Mortal Kombat X Save Data Deletion
We posted yesterday about how Mortal Kombat X received an update - and how saves were deleted because of it.
Well The Mortal Kombat Team have fixed the issue, reissued the patch and are going to "address the situation".
We understand that some PC players lost their save data before we were able to correct an issue with the most recent patch. An updated patch was recently released to add Jason and all of the other patch improvements back into the game and no other players should experience save loss when installing the patch. We are truly sorry if the recent patch did cause you to lose your game save. Affected players should be hearing from us soon with details on how we are addressing the situation.
If you lost your save due to the patch and have not heard from us by Friday May 8th at 12pm EST, please submit a Customer Service help request by visiting support.wbgames.com and selecting “Ask for Help” from the menu at the top. Select “Gameplay Help Request” as your Question Type, “Save Game issue” as your Specific Question, and include your Steam Account Name in your help request description. We will make sure that you are helped out if you were impacted by this issue.
-The Mortal Kombat Team
We can only guess at what they mean by this, but fans are unhappy that this happened. It is apparently the second time many people have lost their save files, and after various launch problems and missing features, those same people are resting their hatred at High Voltage Software's door, as they ported this and other Nether Realms titles to PC, with similar results.