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Disney Infinity 2.0 Villains Trailer

Disney Infinity: Marvel Super Heroes is looking a little less than heroic with it's new trailer introducing the first three villain playsets: Loki, Ronan the Accuser and Green Goblin.

The trailer shows each of the villains squaring off with the respective heroes--Loki vs. Thor, Ronan vs. Starlord and Green Goblin vs. Spider-Man--for some good old fashioned mayhem and destruction of public property. We also get glimpses of some of their abilities. Loki uses magic and the Spear of Destiny from The Avengers to summon frost and go invisible. Meanwhile, Ronan uses his hammer and electricity to annihilate his enemies. All in all, it looks like a good day to be a villain.


Ruth Krabacher

Ruth Krabacher

Staff Writer / News Writer

After being told dragontamer is "not a real job", she settled for being a word typer-upper. Finally got those San Diego Comic Con tickets.