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Dragon's Prophet Announces Server Merge

Dragon's Prophet Announces Server Merge

Community manager Dean "Kyarak" Burrows for free to play MMORPG Dragon's Prophet has announced on its official forums that 4 of its server will be merging on August the 13th. 

Back in May the publisher Infernum Productions asked the player-base what they thought of the idea of merging the English and Germans servers from 4 to 2 and the response was a resounding "No!". Now, thanks to low activity and player numbers on the 4 servers in question the inevitable is happening and English Language Servers Osira & Kleios will merge together, and so will the Methus & Argus German Language Servers.

Whether this is a symptom of what a vocal minority of the players seem to think is a death spiral for the game or just a company in the very competitive MMO space discovering that not everyone can be the next Rift or Aion has yet to be seen.

Dragon's Prophet is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) developed by the Taiwanese developer Runewaker Entertainment. After going through an open beta phase, the game was officially launched on September the 18th 2013 in Europe and September the 23rd in North America.

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Chris Wootton

Chris Wootton

Staff Writer

Vendor of anecdotes and drinker of coffee "Mr Woot" currently resides in the South West. He tends towards the sesquipedalian.

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