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Drive A Bathtub on Wheels Up a Mountain in Latest Foddian Game Driving is Hard

Foddian games have become a common genre, popularised by classics such as its namesake, Getting Over It with Bennet Foddy, alongside a few others that became famous examples of the genre, including Jump King, Pogostuck: Rage With Your Friends, and the now-lost Only Up. As such, these titles bred a new genre of hard-as-nails platformers with unforgiving falls — one misstep, and it's down to the beginning with you.

Enter Driving Is Hard, the latest competitor to join the ring for your attention in the Foddian genre. Elegant Horse Studios presents an absurd title where you play as a person on a bathtub on wheels. Jeff's only purpose? Climb an unforgivable mountain.

Master the art of driving as you engage in the physics-based climbing title where you'll try to get to the top. Be wary, however, as the mountain is a daunting task — face eight levels as Jeff faces not only physical hardships, but battles his inner demons,hauntingmemories, and works to become a better person and, hopefully one day, free himself from the bathtub.

Whether you're a newcomer to the Foddian titles or an adept speedrunner, Driving Is Hard is officially out for players to enjoy on Windows PC via Steam. You can pick it up for £5.69 or get the early-bird discount until the 7th of February for £5.12.

Artura Dawn

Artura Dawn

Junior Editor

A lean, mean, SEO machine

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