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E3 2014: Mirror's Edge 2 Information

E3 2014: Mirror's Edge 2 Information

During their E3 conference today E3 have announced and unveiled new footage of an upcoming Mirror's Edge game. The footage showed off the focus on combat, navigating areas with free running and a updated design for the games protagonist Faith.

The trailer for the game showed off a return to the distinct antiseptic graphical style with its bold highlights of colour. It also featured interviews with staff and an insight into the game's production, looking at their use of real free runners and their hopes to make Faith a stand out character for the new generation.

This is good news for fans of the original who have been awaiting news since the original game's release in 2008.

E3 2014
Jonathan Durham

Jonathan Durham

News Reporter

With a backlog that would bury a man, Jonathan writes about games to ward off the thought he might, one day, suffer that very fate.

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