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Eternights Release Date Changed in New Trailer

The Eternights apocalypse draws nearer... and even more so than you might imagine in this new Release Date Update trailer! Shown with gameplay elements and some dialogue, the action/dating simulator title where you try to make the best of the apocalypse has now been brought forward a couple of days! 

The mysterious infection has brought forth many a hazardous monster that has overtaken the world, and now you will need to find a way to save it by finding a cure against all of the bloodthirsty monsters that were once human. But, between your dungeon crawling and monster slaying, it's essential to mingle a little — the apocalypse isn't all bad, after all!

Eternights Release Date Update Trailer 0 37 screenshot

Meet a cast of five quirky characters and get closer to them as you deepen your bond and relationships with them, but be wary as everything takes a while, and the timer is ticking down to an inevitable end — will you focus on saving the world? Will you try to mingle and find a relationship? You'll need to find a balance, as time is limited, and the world won't wait around for you to live in it.

The end of the trailer brings forth wonderful news — Eternights' release date has been brought forward from its original 21st of September release date to the 12th of September, seeing a nine-day earlier release window, which is great to see in a world marred by delays that can range anywhere from a few days to a year or more. If you're intrigued to explore the world, mark your calendars — the end is here!

Artura Dawn

Artura Dawn

Junior Editor

A lean, mean, SEO machine

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