Eve Online Massacre Caused by Unpaid Bill, Billions of ISK Gone
It's annoying when bills come in at the wrong time, we've all had it happen. This one cost a bit more than most. Someone in EVE Online forgot to make sure the automatically paid bill to keep sovereignty on strategically important system B-R5 was covered and the sovereignty (in-game control) dropped.
Now as anyone who has followed the hi-jinks of the goonswarm over the years will know they are good at spotting little snafus like this and on the 28th of January they did what they often do and piled in to take the system.
If it had been anyone else, there'd have been a minor scuffle and not much more, but when the big boys play, things tend to get a little broken. 4000 players, 14 hours of combat and over $300,000 worth of ships blown up and boiling away into space was the result of this little billing error.
CCP Games are leaving an in game memorial on the site of the battle to commemorate the biggest in-game clash ever.
Below is Burning Napalms coverage of the battle, it brings to mind Roy Batty's soliloquy. This moment however, won't be lost like tears in the rain.