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Everything You Need to Know About Patch 14.23 in League of Legends

Everything You Need to Know About Patch 14.23 in League of Legends

League of Legends' second-to-last patch of the year has officially arrived. Of course, correlating with the imminent release of the third and final act of Arcane's second season, it carries heavy themes around the ever-famous Netflix show, and there are a few things to look out for with this new patch! Here's everything you need to know.

New Client Game

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Riot Games has been working on bringing all-new client-side games for players to be able to enjoy, and Patch 14.23 is introducing the latest one! Jinx Fixes Everything is the latest one to come out, and it's sort of a hidden object and puzzle title set in a 3D environment!

Based around Arcane, you'll be able to explore numerous iconic locations from the show. To keep it spoiler-free, we won't be mentioning the specifics, but it's recommended that you watch Episodes 1–6 (which are out now) in order to not get any spoilers (and trust me, you'll want to have watched at least Episode 5 to avoid some pretty major spoilers).

New Arcane Pass

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The new Arcane pass is officially here! Featuring all manner of rewards, you'll be able to pick it up for 1650 RP to get the Premium Track and nab all of the rewards. Of course, scattered throughout are Arcane-themed goodies, with emotes and icons to get, and the shop is similarly filled with all sorts of items to take a piece of it with you.

Prestige Arcane Commander Caitlyn is this Battle Pass' Prestige skin, and you can get a few borders for the new skins. The pass will be available until the 24th of December, and the shop will permanently close on the 30th of December, giving you just over four weeks to get everything you might want.

New Arcane Skins

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Alright, this is going to be difficult to keep spoiler-free, but fret not, there won't be any spoilers here.

Patch 14.23 brings four new skins for players to enjoy. They are all themed around Arcane, and the one that has the most spoilers is Jayce's — his voice lines include hints and information about things (according to some reports, even mentions of things that might happen in Act 3). The other two are for Caitlyn and Vi, which are officially the most canonical versions of the characters currently present (even beyond their base skins whichshould be the most canonical version of the champions, but we're not here to get political).

The skins released are:

  • Arcane Brawler Vi (1820 RP)
  • Arcane Survivor Jayce (1820 RP)
  • Arcane Commander Caitlyn (1350 RP)
  • Prestige Arcane Commander Caitlyn (2000 Arcane Tokens)

You can also get the individual Sets for the skins, though those include the border and icons that you can get from the Battle Pass anyway, with the only exception being the Ward skin that you can acquire: Mysterious Arcane Ward.

Arcane Shimmer Lab Singed is coming after the final act of Jinx Fixes Everything releases.


Buffs, Nerfs, and Adjustments

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There were a slew of buffs, nerfs, and adjustments in this patch as well, including a rehaul of systems for Aurora and Smolder. Though they aren't technically nerfs, they are meant to change their playstyle to make them less "frustrating" and more "accessible" for players (which completely changed Aurora's champion identity as a whole). The changes are:


  • Azir
  • Master Yi
  • Miss Fortune
  • Rammus
  • Rengar


  • Caitlyn
  • Kha'zix
  • Kog'maw
  • Shyvana
  • Skarner
  • Tahm Kench
  • Teemo
  • Zac


  • Ambessa
  • Aurora
  • Jinx
  • Rell
  • Smolder

If you want to check out the full balance changes, then check out the official Patch Notes right here!

Artura Dawn

Artura Dawn

Junior Editor

A lean, mean, SEO machine

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