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F1 2020's Latest Trailer Debuts Circuit Zandvoort

Holland's Circuit Zandvoort stars in the latest trailer for F1 2020, Codemasters' upcoming racing simulation title. The real-life event may be postponed this year due to Coronavirus precautions, but at least players can experience the track—including its infamous banked final corner—in-game.

Check out the car of Red Bull Racing's Max Verstappen as it takes on the track in the trailer above.

Lee Mather (Game Director for the F1 franchise) praises the circuit and Codemasters' success at recreating it in-game, referring to it as "highly technical with height variation, blind crests and unsighted braking points and corner apexes. It’s an onslaught on the senses and doesn’t give players a moment to rest".

F1 2020 will release 10th July for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC (via DVD and Steam) and Google Stadia.


Jamie Davies

Jamie Davies

Staff Writer

Raised on a steady diet of violent shooters and sugary cereal. He regrets no part of this

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