Factorio Developer Announces "One Big Expansion Pack"
There's good news and bad news for fans of factory-building sim Factorio. Developer Wube Software has announced that it is winding down development on the base game, meaning Factorio's latest major content update, version 1.1, will be the last (barring bugfixes and minor tweaks). Fortunately, this isn't the end for Factorio. Wube Software has also announced that it is beginning work on "one big expansion pack" for the game, set for release at some point in the future.
The Factorio team announced the decision via community blog post on Friday, stating that it plans to make the expansion "one well-defined product that would be significant enough to recapture peoples attention". While nobody, not even the development team itself, knows much about the expansion yet, the team expects that the expansion will integrate fully with all the existing Factorio features. The blog elaborates, saying: "all the infrastructure of mods being updated, multiplayer etc. would just work the same as it worked until now."
Work is already underway for the expansion, but it's anybody's guess as to when it'll be available to buy. Discussing release dates, the blog post remains vague: "we don't think that it will take less than a year to develop."
The expansion pack for Factorio is in development. A release is not expected for at least 12 months.