Fallout Shelter Update Adds Pets and More
To conclude 2015, a brand new update for Fallout Shelter is available now and it's doggone packed full of new features. Among the improvements are:
- Pets! You can have 4 legged companions now which will boost your vault dwellers' happiness and productivity
- Vault-Tec has received reports of some Dwellers not pulling their weight. Overseers are now authorized to permanently evict these lazy layabouts! Welcome to the Wasteland, slackers…
- New pick up lines and flirtations to make mating your vault dwellers less repetitive.
- Excessive tapping causing frustration when trying to clear out excess inventory? Overseers will love the new sell all options.
- Dweller management improvements and new objectives should help experienced Overseers keep things running smoothly.
- Even more Vault-Tec certified improvements and optimizations. Because you can never have enough improvements or optimisations.