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Fanatical's BundleFest Prestige Bundle Just Got Bigger!

Fanatical's BundleFest Prestige Bundle Just Got Bigger!

The Fanatical Prestige Bundle, released over the company's BundleFest, has received a second drop of titles with almost enough games to let you buy their biggest tier once again! Featuring high-quality titles, you're going to want to give the bundle a second look and see if anything sparks your fancy.

There are three tiers to choose from in total:

Tier 1: 2 games for £ 14.99 / $14.99 / €16.99
Tier 2: 3 games for £ 21.99 / $21.99 / €23.99
Tier 3: 4 games for £ 28.99 / $28.99 / €30.99 

And these are all of the new additions to the bundle!

In case you've forgotten about all of the previous bundles, you can either check out our news covering it here or — alternatively — you can check out the bundle and see if any games catch your fancy! Costing just about £7.2 per game in the biggest tier, you will grow your library with a slew of great titles in no time!

Artura Dawn

Artura Dawn

Junior Editor

A lean, mean, SEO machine