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Fanatical's Summer Sale is Now Live!

Fanatical's Summer Sale is Now Live!

Most months, Fanatical runs various sales that include numerous promotions to make buying games more worth it. This time around, their Summer Sale has come with a brand-new promotion that'll get you an extra game for free after you spend over a certain amount!

Running from the 7th of August to the 21st of August, you will be able to get thousands of deals spanning hundreds of indie and AAA publishers with jaw-dropping (or wallet-opening?) deals. With the new sale, you can get a free new mystery game from a selection once you spend over $12 for a Mostly Positive title, $20 for a Very Positive title, and $30 for an Overwhelmingly Positive title. To help you with your purchase, here are ten of the best deals we found to give you an idea of the types of games you can get!

For those new to the key retailer business, Fanatical is an official retailer approved by publishers, meaning that all of their keys are entirely legit and not acquired by nefarious means, so you will get what you paid for, even if it seems like some of the prices are ridiculous. By using any of the links in this article, you will be supporting GameGrin directly, as we are part of their affiliate program, so we'd be very grateful!

Artura Dawn

Artura Dawn

Junior Editor

A lean, mean, SEO machine