Far Cry 4 Pirates Outed by Ubisoft
Some particular Far Cry 4 players have noticed the lack of Field of View (FOV) options on their game, and have taken to Twitter and Reddit to complain. The funny thing is, the game does have full FOV options; that's if you've purchased the game legitimately.
So It's pretty clear that some of those pirates out there have been outed by Ubisoft. A Tweet from Ubisoft Montreal’s Creative Director Alex Hutchinson does a shout out to all those affected by saying.
“PC players! If you're online complaining about the lack of FOV control ... You pirated the game."
So there you have it, piracy doesn't pay. It's one kind of piracy protection that does work: remove features. And it's not the first game to do it. Back when Batman Arkham Asylum released on PC, that too had an interesting type of piracy protection which simply stopped you from gliding, practically making the game unplayable.
Acelister - 01:52pm, 20th November 2014
"Stupid Ubisoft brought out a game with this fault!" "How much did you pay for it?" "... Shut up, stupid!"
domdange - 05:23pm, 20th November 2014
I read this headline as Far Cry 4 Pirates Outed... as in the DLC would be based around pirates. Suffice to say I was a little disappointed!
Kaostic - 10:08pm, 20th November 2014
I went to "demo" this but saw people having trouble so didn't. Went and bought it, got in and found NVIDIA have problem with flashing trees unless you play it on Ultra... Yayy buying things.