Final Fantasy XIV - Heavensward Patch Notes And Early Access
As of 9am GMT this morning players who have pre-ordered the Heavensward expansion for Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn, and have applied the pre-order codes they received in their email can access all the 3.0 patch content that comes with the official release of the expansion on the 23rd of this month.
The big difference with this patch is people who do not have Heavensward will not be able to access the new shineys, which sadly means no Au Ra lizard people for them.
Early Access runs from now until the 27th of this month, so go get patched up and help the war out, heroes!
In the patch notes updates from 3.0 are denoted as such and we have listed some of them for you below but for the full list of 96 changes and details on them check the patch notes linked above.
[3.0] The city of Ishgard has been added.
[3.0] New field areas have been added.
- Coerthas Western Highlands
- The Dravanian Forelands
- The Churning Mists
- The Sea of Clouds
- The Dravanian Hinterlands[3.0] Level 50 main scenario quests introduced prior to patch 3.0 will now grant experience points upon completion.
[3.0] New main scenario quests have been added.
Coming to Ishgard Disciple of War or Magic level 50
Players must first complete the main scenario quest "Before the Dawn"[3.0] Chronicles of a New Era quests have been added.
[3.0] New side story quests have been added.
[3.0] New side quests have been added.
3.0] New job quests have been added.
- Paladin
An Exemplary Example Paladin level 50
Players must first complete the main scenario quest "Before the Dawn" and have also completed the quest "Keeping the Oath"- Warrior
Better Axe Around Warrior level 50
Players must first complete the main scenario quest "Before the Dawn" and have also completed the quest "How to Quit You"- Monk
The Legend Continues Monk level 50
Players must first complete the main scenario quest "Before the Dawn" and have also completed the quest "Five Easy Pieces"- Dragoon
Sky's the Limit Dragoon level 50
Players must first complete the main scenario quest "Before the Dawn" and have also completed the quest "Into the Dragon's Maw"- Ninja
Strangers in a Strange Land Ninja level 50
Players must first complete the main scenario quest "Before the Dawn" and have also completed the quest "Master and Student"- Bard
On the Road Again Bard level 50
Players must first complete the main scenario quest "Before the Dawn" and have also completed the quest "Requiem for the Fallen"- Black Mage
Black Books Black Mage level 50
Players must first complete the main scenario quest "Before the Dawn" and have also completed the quest "Always Bet on Black"- Summoner
A Fitting Tomestone Summoner level 50
Players must first complete the main scenario quest "Before the Dawn" and have also completed the quest "Primal Burdens"- White Mage
Taint Misbehaving White Mage level 50
Players must first complete the main scenario quest "Before the Dawn" and have also completed the quest "Heart of the Forest"- Scholar
The Green Death Scholar level 50
Players must first complete the main scenario quest "Before the Dawn" and have also completed the quest "The Beast Within"[3.0] New class quests have been added.
- Carpenter
Lance of a Lifetime Carpenter level 50
Players must first complete the main scenario quest "Before the Dawn" and have also completed the quest "Saving Captain Gairhard"- Black Smith
Forging Northwards Black Smith level 50
Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (X:10 Y:14)
NPC: Brithael
Players must first complete the main scenario quest "Before the Dawn" and have also completed the quest "Waiting in the Winglet"- Armorer
Quest Required Level and Location
The Breaking of Blanstyr Armorer level 50
Players must first complete the main scenario quest "Before the Dawn" and have also completed the quest "Rivalry and Respect"- Gold Smith
Form to the Formless Gold Smith level 50
Players must first complete the main scenario quest "Before the Dawn" and have also completed the quest "Jaded"- Leather Worker
Turndown Service Leather Worker level 50
Players must first complete the main scenario quest "Before the Dawn" and have also completed the quest "Accept No Imitations"- Weaver
The Social Knitwork Weaver level 50
Players must first complete the main scenario quest "Before the Dawn" and have also completed the quest "A Miner Reborn"- Alchemist
Without a Trace Alchemist level 50
Players must first complete the main scenario quest "Before the Dawn" and have also completed the quest "Momentary Miracle"- Culinarian
Wait on Me Culinarian level 50
Players must first complete the main scenario quest "Before the Dawn" and have also completed the quest "Revenge of the Chefsbane"- Miner
Breaking New Ground Miner level 50
Players must first complete the main scenario quest "Before the Dawn" and have also completed the quest "Canyon of Regret"- Botanist
Call from the Clouds Botanist level 50
Players must first complete the main scenario quest "Before the Dawn" and have also completed the quest "Seeds of Hope"- Fisher
Plenty More Fish in the Sea Fisher level 50
Players must first complete the main scenario quest "Before the Dawn" and have also completed the quest "So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish"
Mister Woot - 06:18pm, 19th June 2015 Author
Just in case anyone waas curious... that's My Au Ra in the screenies :p