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Foretales Reveal Trailer

Doomed by a dark prophecy, the worlds of Foretales are in peril as a terrible curse rampages throughout the realm. As the clock ticks to apocalypse, it is up to you — a thief named Volepain — to decide what to do with that time. Will you stop it, or bring about the world's demise?

In this world of anthropomorphic creatures, play as the avian thief named Volepain and assemble a party from an assortment of other animals, each with their own unique skills and powers, to reach your narrative conclusion. Finished saving the world? Great, now you get to try your hand at destroying it, as Foretales offers replayability via multiple endings.


Experience a board-like feel with the game's unique graphics, as you get to enjoy turn-based combat with numerous cards to play with.

Get a hold of Foretales with your paws when it comes out later this year in the summer.

Artura Dawn

Artura Dawn

Junior Editor

A lean, mean, SEO machine

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