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Forever Skies' Post-release Roadmap & 1.0 Beta Date Have Been Revealed!

Forever Skies' Post-release Roadmap & 1.0 Beta Date Have Been Revealed!

Forever Skies is leaving Early Access, and Far From Home — the developer & publisher — revealed the release date as well as what the full launch will look like. But what about what's coming post-release?

Well, the team is far from done with the game. The 2025 roadmap spans all the way to December, meaning Forever Skies will receive three big updates (with smaller ones in between) up until the end of the year.

Here's what we know: after the launch on the 14th of April, there will be an airship expansion update in Summer, a content update in fall or autumn, and then a seasonal event in December! Far From Home mentions on the Steam post that what will be worked on and added will depend largely on what the community wants and their feedback.


As for the beta that will allow players to try out 1.0 before the actual release, there will be an update on the 25th of March for the beta branch!

Check out Forever Skies on Steam, and keep an eye out for the game's launch on the 14th of April.

Violet Plata

Violet Plata

Staff Writer

Liable to jump at her own shadow.

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