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Future Games Show 2023: Lords of the Fallen

Lords of the Fallen (2023) developed by HEXWORKS is an upcoming Souls-like Action RPG successor and reboot to Lords of the Fallen 2014 taking place over 1000 years later. You will become a Dark Crusader travelling through a nightmarish interconnected world and fighting monstrous enemies on a quest to overthrow the demon god. The new trailer gave us a look at the game’s world, combat and monsters as well as a core gameplay mechanic allowing the player to travel between parallel worlds of the living and the dead with each of them revealing its own passages and secrets.

Lords of the Fallen is set to release on Friday the 13th October 2023 on PlayStation 5, Xbox X|S, Steam and Epic Games Store.

Summer Game Fest 2023


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Doing it all, but also not much