GameGrin Advent Extravaganza Winners' Hub 2017
This is your one stop shop for our GameGrin Advent Extravaganza where we will be announcing our winners every day! Check the list below to see if you are a winner! To claim your prize, send us a message on our Facebook page. Prizes can be claimed up until 31st December.
This year we had a bit of a late start, so to make up for it we'll have something a bit extra special for Christmas Day. ;)
5th December - No Time To Explain - AJCrowley
6th December - Pixel Hunter - Tnekarma1289
7th + 8th December - Four space games - Cronos
9th December - Pit People - TheSphericalCat
10th December - Beyond Enemy Lines - dominoid
11th December - Catlateral Damage - Hamiltonius
12th December - Dungeon Souls - Manders
13th December - Shmadow - AJCrowley
14th December - The Walking Dead: A New Frontier - fortuna730
15th December - Star Wars Games - DCello
16th December - The Witcher 3: The Game of the Year Edition - jessica-greenfield
17th December - Hatoful Boyfriend - DanV
18th December - SpeedRunners - LittleBigBoots
19th December - Retro/Grade - Platinum
20th December - Fanatical's Spotlight Bundle 3 - AAMinistry
21st December - Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy: A Telltale Series - Helen
22nd - 23rd December - Rocket League & The Walking Dead: A New Frontier - Manders
24th December - Stardew Valley - Dom Richards
25th December - Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Mister Woot
DanV - 10:43pm, 17th December 2017
Pigeon dating FTW!
PoorYorick - 01:42pm, 27th December 2017
Who won the 25th Dec giveaway?
Mister Woot - 04:45pm, 29th December 2017
I believe that would be...