GameGrin's Game of the Year 2016
A few weeks ago our GrinCast podcasters discussed and decided upon the most disappointing games of 2016, as well as the best games! The selection was so large that even whittling it down to a Top 10 with 5 Honourable Mentions, there were still 20 games that impressed us enough for consideration.
If you'd like to listen to the deliberation, the 'Game of the Year' 78th episode can be found here.
First up, the Honourable Mentions:
Pokémon GO
World of Warcraft: Legion
Darkest Dungeon
That Dragon, Cancer
And now for your enjoyment:
Hamiltonious - 11:57am, 4th January 2017
Can't believe Overwatch got to number one. Hack journalism at its worst. Who argued for that decision? What a fool he must be.
Acelister - 09:34pm, 5th January 2017 Author
So happy that Orwell and Deus Ex Mankind Divided made the cut.
pucechan - 09:54pm, 5th January 2017
Totally deserving, glad XCOM 2 is represented too!