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Gameloft Announces Disney Speedstorm's "Save The World" Patch Ahead of Release

The Disney and Pixar racing title Disney Speedstorm is officially entering its 11th season! With the previous one introducing The Nightmare Before Christmas' Jack, it comes as no surprise that we'll be visiting a bit of a more... heroic location in the newest season.

The teaser is only 11 seconds long, but it already tells a world of information: The Incredibles are coming! Metroville is front and centre throughout the 12 seconds, showcasing iconic moments from the movies and teasing what sorts of characters will be arriving. Though, the trailer isn't allof the information we got about the upcoming season.

In the press release, we know that all-new Crew Members will be joining cast, as everyone's favourite Edna Mode joins (though, unfortunately, not as a playable character), Underminer, Tony Rydinger, Mr. Skipperdoo, and many more. Plus, the newest racing environment, "The Incredible Showdown", was also announced!

The 11th season forDisney Speedstorm releases on the 12th of December for iOS, Android, PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and the Nintendo Switch.

Artura Dawn

Artura Dawn

Junior Editor

A lean, mean, SEO machine

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