Gigantic Releases First Major Patch: Exile in the North!
Gigantic is slowly gaining ground as its Open Beta progresses, but one of the issues a lot of Closed Beta players ran into is that the game barely changed when going from Closed to Open Beta.
Apparently Motiga, the developer of Gigantic, was working on this monster of a patch, which addresses a number of issues the players have, with a large focus on balance and gameplay changes.
A couple of highlights are major corrections to stun durations (looking at you Tripp), playability improvements for focus skills and buffs for the Shadow Cerberus and Obelisk creatures.
What is possibly the biggest highlight is the addition of the game's 17th hero: Pakko! This blue, fluffy denizen of the north joins the roster with an, unsurprisingly, arctic themed kit consisting of snowballs, frigid breath and icy ground.
The full Exile of the North Patch Notes can be found here.