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God of War (2018) Super Ultrawide Video (32:9) & Compatibility

God of War (2018)released on PC in 2022 as part of the PlayStation exclusives releasing on Steam. Since then, the PC features have gotten bulkier, taking advantage of the ever-powerful machines that have captivated the hearts of players and including even unique features, such as ultrawide compatibility.

Of course, many players were excited to try out the prestigious 21:9 and 32:9 resolutions on some of the most beautiful titles, such as God of War (2018), but for this particular release, it came with a caveat: the game did not support the largest resolution at the time. At most, on release, you could only experience the nordic reboot at 21:9, but Flawless Ultrawide has enabled the possibility for players to enjoy it at 32:9.

Above, you can find the video of the first hour of gameplay, leading up to the tutorial boss fight — The Stranger. Throughout the rest of the gameplay, 32:9 could sometimes break cinematics, with characters T-posing or moving in uncomfortable ways before leaving the black-bar boundary that would otherwise be present in 21:9. That said, issues were pretty scarce, and otherwise it worked flawlessly.

Artura Dawn

Artura Dawn

Junior Editor

A lean, mean, SEO machine

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