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Guerrilla Collective 2024: The Axis Unseen Release Month Trailer

Take a bow at hand and prepare for the upcoming The Axis Unseen, a brand-new heavy-metal horror title in which you take control of a hunter who hunts for ancient folklore creatures in a mysterious open world.

Developed and published by Just Purkey Games, this title is being created by one of the developers for prestigious Bethesda franchises, such as Skyrim, Starfield, and Fallout! It features a heavy metal soundtrack as you set out to hunt monsters and gorey visuals for kills.

Learn, improve, and grow your senses as a hunter as you set out to uncover the secrets of the hunters. Learn about the origins of the world, the weaknesses of the monsters, and how you'll be able to stop these creatures from escaping into your world.

The trailer showcased at the Guerrilla Collective 2024 features information about the release month. If you're excited to start your journey across The Axis Unseen, then look forward to its release this year in October 2024!

Summer Game Fest 2024
Artura Dawn

Artura Dawn

Junior Editor

A lean, mean, SEO machine

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