inZOI's Price Places It In a Competitive Stance Against Other Life Sims — Learn More Here!
It's been years since gamers have been waiting for a Sims competitor to rear its head and make waves in the life simulation (the actual life part of the genre). After a few promises from publishers, and many titles that appeared only to disappear just as quickly, inZOI is eyeing its official release in just a few days time, and we got a look at all of the nitty gritty.
One of the most burning questions in everyone's minds leading up to the inZOI Online Showcase was simple: how much is this title going to cost? Seeing some of the complexities behind the launch, as the only competitor to Sims, the Early Access release, the very early builds... it got people wondering how much a fair price for the life simulator would be.
After a lot of internal discussion, it seems like the team landed on a price that has, so far, surprised everyone: $39.99. While it's a steep price at first, the specifics of this selection helps ease the worries in gamers' minds just a tad, seeing as the Early Access release will also feature all free updates and — more importantly — DLC. This means that, while inZOI is in its Early Access state, anything arriving to the experience will just be additive with the philosophy "No player left behind" as the main slogan for this movement.
Part of the reason why this pricing is so acceptable — even for an Early Access title — is because of competitor prices. While Electronic Arts' Sims 4 is a free-to-play title now, many of its 93 DLC, specifically the ones named "expansion packs", cost the same as inZOI will cost with all of its features slapped on top. Meaning that if you skip buying the Sims 4: Businesses & Hobbies pack, you'll be able to buy inZOI and get all free updates and DLC for the foreseeable future.
This puts inZOI in a very competitive stance against Sims into its launch, and depending on its first debut in the hands of gamers, it'll prove the merit that the team will have to undertake the industry giant that — quite frankly — none have had the gall to challenge.