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Join the Fight Against Evil Villainy in Newly Released Shoot 'Em Up RANDOMAX

Fans of retro-inspired titles will want to check out RANDOMAX, a new title developed by ASTRO PORT and published by both Henteko Doujin and Sanuk, Inc. Take control of a cast of comical characters as you join the fight against the Randomax Pirates in shoot-'em-up gameplay style.

Set in the year 2050 AD, you take the fight to nefarious marauders that have wreaked havoc across the world. You'll fly across the Sepulch Space Archipelago to fight back against the Randomax Pirates, engaging in a mixture of shoot-'em-up arcade-style gameplay and roguelite elements.

Take control of three different types of ships, each with its own unique characteristics, as you set out across nine stages of pure havoc. Experience a comical dialogue and unique endings for each of the characters as you shoot up the enemy forces that stand in your way.

The roguelite and shoot-'em-up elements bring to players a complete arsenal of over 70 items for you to experiment with. Paired with a difficulty modifier, giving you seven different gameplay elements (which will each affect your score modifier), you'll get a slew of opportunities with plenty of possibilities for mix-and-matching your weapons! Equip up to three different weapons in your slots and send bullets flying across the screen.

RANDOMAX releases on the 16th of January for PC via Steam, and you can pick it up for $9.99.

Artura Dawn

Artura Dawn

Junior Editor

A lean, mean, SEO machine

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