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Kerbal Space Program To Become Educational Resource

Kerbal Space Program To Become Educational Resource

Kerbal Space Program developers Squad have teamed up with TeacherGaming, the masterminds behind MinecraftEdu, to produce KerbalEdu.

The aim of KerbalEdu is to teach children all kinds of cool things about space travel and rocket science. The programme is being designed to teach such skills as data measurement, problem solving and design. This educational version of the game will feature a modified user interface giving pupils a chance to see and work with more raw data. It will also feature lessons covering different scientific methods.

KerbalEdu is still in development and will come with out of game materials to supplement the title. It will be available for Linux, Mac and Windows PC via the KerbalEdu Website.

Squad will also continue to develop Kerbal Space Program, which is currently in an alpha state, and available through Steam and Squad's website.

Helen Ashcroft

Helen Ashcroft

News Specialist

Writer of randomness and maker of films Helen AKA Jetgirl lives with her hubby and 3 kids who support her gaming habit.

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